Surviving Mesothelioma and Other Cancers: A Patient’s Guide
Cancer Monthly, Inc. 2005, 2008
In June 1997, Paul Kraus was diagnosed with mesothelioma and given only a few months to live. Many years later, Paul is alive with a good quality of life. In this book, Paul offers solid practical advice on how to cope with the initial diagnosis; nutrition and diet; conventional and complementary therapies; and the role of the mind in health and the principles of healing.

Poetic Medicine: Touching our innermost being
Hybrid Publishers, 2016
In this book of poems and meditations, Paul Kraus brings together the best modern teaching on healing, albeit from a predominantly Christian viewpoint, even though he is a Holocaust survivor of Jewish origin. He tells the amazing story of his journey through cancer to a richer life. He coped with the most devastating diagnoses by opening his life to deep prayer. Each illness was a time of transformation of body and soul, firstly through meditation which brought a healing light to shine in and around him and then through the positive emotions which stilled his worried mind.
To Order Visit Hybrid Publishers »
I Survived Mesothelioma
I've survived mesothelioma for almost 20 years. I wrote a book on how I did it, and today I'm giving them away free.

In Good Spirits
Michele Anderson Publishing, 2014
In this book, Paul Kraus presents his writings and the writings of Bernie Siegel, Ainslie Meares, Viktor Frankl, Carl Simonton, Joan Borysenko, and Ian Gawler. The prose and poetry in this book focus on healing emotions, the healing power of creativity, meditation, laughter, music, love, and remarkable recoveries.
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Australia and other countries: available from Michelle Anderson Publishing

Surviving Cancer: Inspirational Stories of Hope And healing
(Edited by Paul Kraus)
This book presents a series of stories about people who have had various cancers and have survived against considerable odds. The stories highlight the techniques used to getting well again and demonstrate that cancer can be overcome.
To Order Visit Amazon.com »
Australia and other countries: available from Michelle Anderson Publishing

A New Australian, A New Australia.
Federation Press, Sydney, 1994
This is a migrant story about four people in a family who strive to identify with their personal, historical and spiritual discovery after this family moved into a new land. It is about the ways in which Australia changed from the end of the 1940s to the end of the 1970s. It is a little slice of Australian social history that looks briefly at Australian cultural studies.
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The Wealth Within
Cancer Monthly, Inc.
This book contains 36 poems and prayers that helped Paul survive mesothelioma.
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Australia and other countries: available from Michelle Anderson Publishing
Other Books
By: Paul Kraus
Prayers, Promises & Prescriptions for Healing, Kingsway Communications, Eastbourne, Sussex, 2006; Ark House Press, Sydney, 2012. (2nd edition)
Fear No Evil, Ark House Press, Sydney 2015.
Mother Courage: From the Holocaust to Australia. (Yet to be published.)
The Not So Fabulous Fifties: Images of a Migrant Childhood
The Perpetual Refugee, Images Of A Holocaust Child, (To be published by Rosenberg Publishers, Sydney, June 2018).